Starter Pack (FULL PUS) Hakkında Detaylar


RisingKO Sorumlusu
Starter Pack içeriğinde neler mevcut ?

- Switch Premium = 400 Bakiye
(Extra switch premium hediyeleri Scroll set + Trina Lettere gelmektedir.)
- Oto Loot (15 gün) = 80 Bakiye
- 1x Magic Bag = 30 Bakiye
- Vip Key = 70 Bakiye
- Premium HP-MP Pot 5000x = 3000 KC
- 3x %50 Exp Sc = 30 bakiye
- Genie Paketi (15 gün) = 70 Bakiye
- 1 Paket Genie Hammer = 500 KC
-Valkry Armor = 60 Bakiye
-Valkry Helmet = 40 Bakiye
-Elite Wİngs = 150 Bakiye
- Lunar Tatto = 90 Bakiye
- Dual Pathos = 60 Bakiye
- NP Scroll = 1000 KC
-10x DC & War Flash = 100 Bakiye
- Trina & Shadow Piece = 100 Bakiye
- Offline Merchant = 30 Bakiye

Ürünlerim Toplam Fiyatı = 1350 BAKİYE

Starter Pack PUS SATIŞ Fiyatı = 1000 BAKİYE (Bu paket sayesinde 350 bakiye kazançlısınız!)

NOT = Bu ürün PUS tan alınmaktadır ve moradonda bulunan MANAGER adlı npcden kırdırabilirsiniz.. (Kırdırmadan önce inventoryde yer açınız.)

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Uncover pros of Big Multi-Opening Cultivate Sacks for Residential Outdoor

Gardening enthusiasts, have you ever pondered utilizing Big Multi-Port Grow Bags? These handy receptacles are a revolution for anyone seeking to maximize their gardening area. With multiple mouths, you can cultivate various produce, aromatics, or flowers in one bag. Imagine producing fruit, spices, and blooms all in the same holder.

The greatest aspect? These cultivate sacks are movable and reusable, making them a green choice for environmentally-aware horticulturists. They enable for excellent base ventilation and prevent overwatering, making sure your plants thrive. Plus, their strength means they can resist the conditions season after season.

So, if you’re seeking to boost your horticulture efforts, try these multi-port develop bags a try. Your plants will appreciate you, and your yard will seem more bright than ever!

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